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Week 3 — 40 Miler, 12 mph

30 degrees, why are these people smiling?

30 degrees, why are these people smiling?

It’s going to be another cold one.   Morning temperatures around 30.  Two cold weeks in a row and we’re sure to lose a couple more of the first timers.  It takes a few attempts to figure out that you can actually be warm on a day like this.  Most new riders are not going to have the right clothing and it can get quite expensive to stay comfortable in this unseasonable weather.   Well at least the sun is strong and amazingly the wind is calm for the third week in a row!  The March sun can warm up a day pretty quickly.  We should probably do the talk on clothing earlier in the rides, but it is all so important, spinning, drinking, eating, the things you have to know to be able to stay on your bike for 100 miles.

Does Spiderman really needa a helmet?

Does Spiderman really need a helmet?

At least the sun was shining.

At least the sun was shining.

It’s so cold out there I didn’t really pay attention to taking pictures for the blog. Luckily Lori had a camera and sent me a few of her photos… leg in a cast, riding 40 miles in 30 degree weather AND taking pictures!  I guess she’ll do the hundred.  The battle in your mind, especially the first time you try do 100 is as difficult as getting into shape, and as important.

Carolyn and Lori ride past the DEC area.

Mary Ann and Lori ride past the DEC area.

We lingered too long at the start, but once we got underway it went pretty well.  We spent too much time at the first bathroom stop, with a few bike adjustments.  Then on to the Bagel Cafe in Middle Island.  New owners there, but I’m happy to report the bagels are good, the bathrooms are clean and they seemed happy to have our group of cold riders!  Hmmm I’m thinking we could rename this the “Tour de Bagels.”

Evie's going to ride the Road Bike next week.  40 is usually the limit for hybrids.

Evie's going to ride the Road Bike next week. 40 is usually the limit for hybrids.

We stayed too long at the bagel place too.  Everyone is keeping up but we’re spending too much time at the stops today.  I love the ride through Middle Island and Ridge;  ponds, horses and I even saw a deer on a side street.  I forgot I wanted to take pictures of this area that has kept some of it’s charm.  Long Island looks so much different on a bicycle.

Could be Josie's last ride on this bike?

Could this be Josie's last ride on this bike?

I forgot to check the time we got back.  This ride took too long.   Everyone kept the pace pretty well even though we threw in some hills.  Dare I mention, we are done with week three without any flats?  We have to watch the amount of time we spend at the stops.  Same old story.

The whole day seemed like the red team against the yellows.

The whole day seemed like the red team against the yellows.

It never warmed up, which contributes to the delays.   I doubt it ever hit 40.   The forecast was wrong as usual.  We’ll start the 50 at 9 next week.  Could be another cold one with one hour less of that March sun.

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